i.) What personal information (PI) is collected
The data that is stored only pertains to information gathered from gameplay, which includes a player- entered name at the end of a playthrough, and the score attained during this playthrough. It is stored in a text file on the device. It is not distributed elsewhere or accessible to anybody except the user.
ii.) How the personal information is collected
The personal information is gathered from the score game variable, and a user generated text input.
iii.) Why you’re collecting the personal data
The personal data is collected to generate a scoreboard that the user can refer back to in the settings menu.
iv.) Who you might share the data with or sell it to
The data will not be shared or sold to any entity-- it exists solely on the user's device and nowhere else.
v.) How users can control their data
Users can erase the text file data should they choose to not want a scoreboard, but it will auto fill after each playthrough. The user can erase the text file as many times as they wish.